
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

Agnes Erland Hansson – new PhD student

Portrait of Agnes Erland Hansson. Photo.

Hello everyone!

My name is Agnes Erland Hansson, and since June this year, I’ve been a PhD student in the unit of Evolutionary ecology and infection biology.

I recently completed a master’s degree in animal ecology at Lund University, during which I investigated the transgenerational effects of avian malaria on offspring condition in the great reed warbler – a species of migratory songbird. In my PhD project I will continue to test life history hypotheses related to costs of living and ageing in the great reed warbler, with a focus on telomere dynamics. I’m working under the supervision of Dennis Hasselquist, with Bengt Hansson and Helena Westerdahl as co-supervisors.

Outside of work I like to play the guitar, to cook, to draw, and (of course) to do some birding.

When I’m not away doing field work you can find me on the second floor of the Ecology building. I’m always up for a chat about science, life science, or just life.

See you around!

augusti 23, 2024

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