
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

Elisa Rigosi – new postdoc

A person is sitting on a fence in front of a building.

Hej everybody! I just joined the Animal Physiology group to start working as a postdoc with David O’Carroll! I will work on visual selective attention in flies and dragonflies performing both ”in vivo” electrophysiology and anatomical reconstructions!

I did my master in Neurobiology in Pisa, Italy, and obtained my PhD at the University of Trento (Italy) where I studied olfactory asymmetries in bees. In 2014 I moved to Adelaide, Australia, and started working with Steve Wiederman and David O’Carroll investigating the visual acuity of single photoreceptors in dragonflies, dipteran and bee species.

I am really looking forward to starting this new Swedish adventure!

mars 29, 2016

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