
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

Gróa Valgerður – new PhD student

My name is Gróa [/ˈɡrəʊə/] Valgerður and I‘ve just started working on a PhD project within the research group Plant Ecology and Systematics. My main supervisor is Stefan Andersson and co-supervisors are Nils Cronberg, Mikael Hedrén and Torbjörn Tyler; I think it‘s safe to say I‘m in good and capable hands! The next few years we‘ll study the ecotype differentiation of Scorzoneroides autumnalis (sv. höstfibbla) and I‘m indeed very excited about it.

I come from Iceland, where I did my BS in biology and BS hons in plant taxonomy at the University of Iceland. I moved to Lund in 2011 and very recently moved to Staffanstorp. I‘m a hobby photographer, and if the time it took me to find a picture to go with this little entry is any indicator, I just might have some problem being on the front side of the camera lens. I‘m also a food lover, following the strict guidelines of the exceedingly popular dietary program HCHF. However, the title mom is admittedly what has defined me most the past 9 years.

oktober 2, 2017

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