Hi, I’m Jamie! I’ve just started my PhD in Susanne Åkesson’s lab, where my project will provide an in-depth investigation of migratory phenotypes in songbird species, with a focus on behavioural adaptations, cognitive traits, and physiology. My background is in computational biology, so a large part of my project will involve developing artificial intelligence tools to extract behavioural information from experimental data, bypassing the limitations of traditional methods.
I spent the last two years working as a Data Scientist for an epigenetics-focussed biotech company in the UK. Before that, I completed my Master’s in Bioinformatics & Theoretical Systems Biology at Imperial College London. Whilst I have little experience in animal navigation, evolutionary ecology is an area I have maintained a keen interest in since undergrad, and I am really excited to be studying it again! Outside of research, I’m very into skateboarding, football, cycling, and all kinds of music. Although I’m not much of a birder yet, I’m looking to get more into it, so please feel free to share any tips!