
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

Karla Lopéz-Reyes – new postdoc

Portrait of Karla Lopéz-Reyes. Photo.

Hej! I’m Karla and I just started as a postdoc in February 2024 as part of the Vision Group, working with Mike Bok. I’m originally from Guatemala but spent the last 6 years in Aotearoa New Zealand working with tiny pest insects. I am interested in things related to insects, their compound eyes and their visually guided behaviours. For my PhD I specifically focused on thrips, which are miniature insects that cause great economic damage in the horticultural and agricultural industry.

As part of my research here at Lund University I will dive deeper in the characterisation of the visual system of the western flower thrips, focusing on modelling their visual perception and the adaptations found in their miniaturised compound eyes. This is all in the hopes that my research will help inform the design and development of better trapping systems for tiny pest insects.

Outside academia I enjoy the outdoors and nature related activities like camping and hiking. I’m excited to be in Lund and I’m keen to hear all about the cool research being done in the Department of Biology.

mars 4, 2024

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