Howdy! My name is Natalia and I have joined both the neurobiology group and vision group as a doctoral student under the supervision of Lina Herbertsson. I’m interested in studying how pesticide exposure impacts the foraging decisions of insect pollinators and the implications this may have for plant-pollinator interactions.
I received my bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Texas in San Antonio. Wanting to learn more about the mechanisms that underly sensory and cognitive behaviour in animals, I moved to England and earned a master’s degree in animal behaviour from the University of Exeter. During my masters I started working with honeybees, investigating whether honeybees could detect the presence of polyethylene microplastics (PE-MPs) in floral nectar solutions and if imbibing PE-MPs decreased survival over time. My curiosity to examine if pesticides alter the honeybee’s ability to degrade microplastics has eventually led me to my current position.
My PhD, which will be co-supervised by David O’Carroll and Maj Rundlöf, focuses on the sublethal effects of commonly used pesticides in insects and involves experts in analytical chemistry, genetics, metabolomics, physiology, as well as landscape and behavioral ecotoxicology. I want to find out how neonicotinoids and other insecticides interfere with interactions between non-honeybee pollinators and plants, with a particular interest in floral preference.
During my spare time I like to do outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking, and camping. I also enjoy making digital art and storyboard animations.
Congrats Natalia!!!
Always so proud of you. We wish you success and good results during your investigative work/PhD.
Congratulations Natalia, we are proud of you!!
Kelly Boorse
Amazing Natalia very amazing proud of you..
Great accomplishment, very proud of you Natalia I know you will do a excellent job. Enjoy this new opportunity.
Congratulations Natalia! Awesome! Happy and proud of you! Best of luck!
Diana Moreno
Natalia muchas felicitaciones y bendiciones por todo lo que has logrado y sigues haciendo con tus estudios,
Congratulations Natalia wish you the best.
Janeth Dávila
Muchas felicitaciones Natalia por cada uno de tus logros y metas alcanzadas, todos muy orgullosos de ti,abrazos te queremos y extrañamos mucho.
Diana Garavito
Que este sea él comienzo de nuevos éxitos y metas para tú vida, felicidades por cada uno de tus logros un fuerte abrazo
Felicitaciones Natalia todo sus esfuerzos y dedicación se ven reflejados.
Congratulations Natalia you will do great, all the best to you !
Danny San Miguel
Fredy Alberto Dávila
congratulations Natalia. a special achievement for an excellent professional. a hug
martha perez
Congratulations Natalia, great job I know you’re going to do great an everything you set out to do!
Angela Báez
Congrats Natalia! Im so proud of you. your amazing work will take you far.
Miguel Báez
Congratulations Natalia, you are a great person and an excellent student. all the best for you.
Juanita Cadena
Felicidades Dios te bendiga por siempre me alegra todos tus triunfos
Elisa Steiner
Congratulations, great job. You’re an inspiration!
Melissa Ceballos
Dear cousin
I am proud of you!!! Congratulations primita hugs and kiss
Javier Baez
Dear Natalia, I wish you success in your doctorate.
Fernando castiblanco
congratulations natalia for your contribution to the world with this great research work.
”without bees there is no life”
Juliana Cadena
You are pride for the family, great research work. a thousand blessings
Andrea Dávila
Natalia felicitaciones excelente !!! que continúen llegando grandes bendiciones atú vida.
Me siento tan orgullosa de mi sobrina natalia,tan exitosa y llena de sueños, muchas felicidades y deseo para timiles de exitos mas por que te lo mereces .. inabrazo y unbeso … tia criss
Susan leal
Felicitaciones Natalia, que Dios y la Virgen te cuiden y sigan cumpliendo todos tu sueños y que sigas obteniendo miles de éxitos más.
Con cariño familia baez leal
That’s awesome we’re all so proud of you. I can’t wait to have to call you Ms. Dr. Nutty
Cristina (aka Madrina)
You are a Star
Nata! So proud of you and your accomplishments. Shine on!