
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

Robin Delhom – new researcher at LP3

Hej alla!

My name is Robin Delhom and I just started a two year contract as ‘Forskare’ at the Molecular Cell Biology Unit in a collaboration project with the Lund Protein Production Platform (LP3) and the European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS).

I am French, 28, have done a master degree in organic chemistry followed by a PhD in membrane biophysics and here I am now in the Department of Biology of Lund University!

I defended my PhD project, co-financed by the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) and the ESS, last December in Grenoble where I was mainly working for the past three years. The objective, among others, was to develop a relevant model membrane for neutron studies which I then used to investigate the mechanism of action of Amphotericin B, a powerful anti-fungal drug. The multidisciplinary project and its relationship with ESS allowed me to work in a lot of different environments and brought me towards Sweden, LU and LP3.

My contribution here and now is to develop, investigate and make use of lipid membranes extracted from microorganisms with neutron scattering techniques in order to understand biological processes occurring at the edge of living cells.

Thus, if you are intrigued or want to know more about lipids/membranes, neutrons or else, please come along! You can find me in the office 141 of Biology building A or contact me at

Ses snart!

januari 31, 2018

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