
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

Silvia Rönnau – new PhD student

A person in front of a valley. Photo.

Hello everyone!

I am a new PhD student and started in February in the Animal Physiology group. I am interested in insect perception and studying the mechanistic side of insect behaviour.

I have received my bachelor’s and master’s degree at Bielefeld University. During my bachelors, I discovered the fascinating world of insect vision, navigation and cognition while working with bumblebees. I extended my experience on insects during my master’s working with ants and conducted my thesis work at the Research Centre on Animal Cognition in Toulouse on lateralization in the visual system of honeybees.

During my PhD under the supervision of Elisa Rigosi, I will investigate the effects of different pesticides and their mixtures in sublethal doses on non-target insect species on a neural and behavioural level.

During my free time, I like to be outside going for a hike or trying to find some interesting animals to observe if the weather allows it. I also love dancing and swimming or just staying home with a good book.

I am looking forward to spending the coming years here in Sweden and getting to know the area, language, and people.


april 24, 2023

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