
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

Theo Kindeberg – new PhD student

Hi all!

My name is Theo Kindeberg and I have just started a PhD under the supervision of Pål Axel Olsson and Johan Hollander. I will be working in the EU project LIFECoastAdapt where I will study the ecosystem effects of coastal restoration actions.

My research interest revolves around coastal ecosystems in a changing world. Having spent countless hours in seagrass meadows has made me interested in the important ecosystem functions and services they sustain. During my PhD studies, I will primarily be exploring the effects of eelgrass (Zostera marina) restoration on biodiversity, beach morphology and wave- and current conditions.

When I’m not splashing around in the water, I enjoy hiking, biking and all things music. I’m looking forward to meeting you all!

mars 8, 2019

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