
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

BLAM – a success as usual

The Lund University building against a clear blue sky.
It could not have been better!

Yesterday and the day before, it was time for the forth Biology in Lund Annual Meeting BLAM. And as usual it was also BLAM-weather, i.e. the sun shining from a blue sky and spring in the air.

One person is taking in a microphone.
Maybe the most frequent questioner.

There was a lot of really good talks and a lot of interesting questions. We learnt about colonisation of blue tits, alcohol-producing yeasts, telomerase extensions, dark-flying bumblebees, borrelia sick bank voles, cues for spruce seed moths, soil salinity, fat or lean migrating birds, suicide genes, diversity in soils, oestrogens in water snails, counting great tits, migrating cuckoos, degradation of organic matter in water and wild bird cover. And much, much more from all the posters.

Two people are talking over a table with a lot of people in the background.
Our Directors of Postgraduate Studies had a talk.

The first day was Natalie Cooper from Trinity College in Ireland plenary speaker. She talked about maximum lifespan but also had quit a few good advices about how to make the most of the time as a PhD student.

Four people are gathered around a computer.
No talk without technical issues.

Tuesday’s plenary speaker was Peter Lind from Uppsala. He told us about how to use rhetoric in both scientific as well as in popular science presentations. We also learnt about body postures and gestures.

Six people is standing in a circle talking.
BLAM 2015 was the first BLAM visited by the Vice-Chancellor!

And as always there was two competitions – best talk and best poster. Best talk was awarded 10 000 SEK and best poster 8 000 SEK. Annelie Jönsson won the best talk. Pablo Salmon won the prize for best poster. Congratulations Annelie and Pablo!

On person is standing in the front of a lecture hall.
Annelie Jönsson knew what she was saying.
Some people are looking at posters.
The winner Pablo Salmon in front of his poster.
A lot of people are sitting at a dinner table. On person is standing up talking.
Natalie Cooper announced the winners in the talk and poster competition.

The first day was ended by mingle and a mingle bingo. During the mingle, groups were formed which should prepare commercials to sell various products. During the second day’s banquette we got to see the finished commercials. Did you miss it? Have a look below.

Two people are talking at a table.
An exciting mingle.

Guess which one won? It was number three from the top – the one selling mosquitos.

A lot of people are mingling outside in the sun.
Of course the Head of the Department did not miss BLAM.

Thank you everyone who made this one and a half wonderful days with much interesting science and much fun possible. Especially thanks to the organizing committee. You did a great job!

Written and photographed by Inger Ekström