
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

A day full of senses

A person is standing in a lecture hall.
Head of the unit Olle Anderbrant in his role as head of the organisers.

Yesterday the unit Functional Zoology had their unit day. Or rather half a day. During the afternoon we learnt about the ongoing research at the unit.

Five persons are standing talking outside.
Mingle outside…

After ten very interesting 15-minutes talks, three of the PhD students held three minutes talks about their research. Marie Dacke and David O’Carroll supplied feedback to these students while the rest of us prepared to take part in the evening BBQ.

Two persons are standing talking inside.
…and mingle inside.

Thanks to all the organisers and the people presenting talks. Thank you for a great afternoon and evening!

A person is holding a lecture.
Eric Warrant is curious about how Bongong moth know where to migrate.
A person is holding a lecture.
– The central complex is the most beautiful part of the insect brain, said Stanley Heinze. According to the sneers from the public, not all agreed.
A person is holding a lecture.
Marie Dacke told us about different dung beetle projects in the Vision group.
A person is holding a lecture.
How does a dung beetle count its steps? And which steps does it count? Emily Baird explained that it does not matter if the dung beetle use six, four or two legs. It will always search for its nest at the “right” distance.
A person is holding a lecture.
David O’Carroll taught us that a hoverfly is not a busy bee (as Svenska Biodlares Riksförbund apparently thinks according to a video on their web page). But it is an excellent model organism for studying target tracking neurons.
A person is holding a lecture.
How insect odorant receptors evolve and function, is something Martin N. Andersson study.
A person is holding a lecture.
Hong-Lei Wang told us about biological production of pheromones for pest control.
A person is holding a lecture.
Can dogs sniff out heat? Yes, it looks like it, according to Ronald Kröger’s research.
A person is holding a lecture.
In a tiny cavity behind the Drosophila antennae there is something that can sense humidity, explained Anders Enjin.
A person is holding a lecture.
Stina Oredsson grows cancer cells in 3D instead of the usual flat cell cultures.
A person is holding a lecture.
Lars Råberg tries to catch the red queen, or in other words looks at how pathogen and host evolve together.
A person is holding a lecture.
In three minutes Bo Bekkouche explained about neural circuits responsible for target tracking
A person is holding a lecture.
Yihan Xia clarified how they can make plants smell like moths. All in all, in three minutes.
A person is holding a lecture.
It only took Xiuqin Zhong three minutes to explain her Borelia research.

Text and photo by Inger Ekström

maj 17, 2018

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