Thursday morning I had a feeling that something was wrong. The sky was cloudy and
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Svante Pääbo filled the room with curious listeners when he visited
Yesterday and the day before, it was time for the forth Biology in Lund Annual Meeting BLAM. And as usual it was also BLAM-weather, …
Yesterday and the day before it was time for the Biology Lund Annual Meeting BLAM – our conference for and by the doctoral students …
My name is Pablo Salmon, a new PhD student in the Evolutionary Ecology unit. I grew up in Bilbao, a medium-size city in the …
Yesterday I visit the second day of Biology in Lund Annual Meeting, the meeting for, with and by our PhD-students. One of the invited …
Ett jättegrattis till Karin Rengefors som har tilldelats universitetets pris för framstående insatser i utbildningen. Priset består av 25 000 kr att använda till …
We would like to introduce you to our three new students that have recently started their PhD projects in the Vision Group. They are …
Som säkert alla har märkt så har det varit ovanligt tomt och tyst i korridorerna under tisdagen och onsdagen. Då var nämligen närmare 150 …
Under två intensiva och mycket givande dagar träffades våra handledare för att diskutera institutionens nya forskarutbildning samt för att hämta inspiration till sin roll …