
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

Kristaps Sokolovskis – new PhD student

I am a freshly recruited PhD student in the “Staffan Bensch Team”. I will join an ongoing project investigating how genes control songbird migration. In field, we will use smallest tracking devices available (geolocators) to record willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) seasonal flights. In lab and office, we will continue using genetic and genomic tools to link phenotype and genotype.

I hold a MSc degree in Evol Biol from Uppsala University and a substantial experience of work with different birds in the wild. On top of a strong interest in avian ecology and life histories, I want to use molecular tools to tackle biologically relevant questions. Therefore, I am extremely happy to have found my dream project here in Lund!

Work and hobbies for me largely overlap as exploration and all sorts of outdoorsy activities is what I enjoy doing the most anyway.

I drink a lot of coffee so we will surely meet in the fika room.

Alternatively, come to board game night every Wednesday at 17:30 (2nd floor kitchen Ecol Building) and we can get to know each other while playing Settlers
of Catan!

P.S. I am also looking for people to go to metal concerts together. Feel free to approach me with any such suggestions 24/7 😊

oktober 5, 2018

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