Blog post updated 2020-12-03. New FAQ at the end of this post.
As you probably have seen, we launched a new website last Friday the 13th. Everything went well despite the date, except that our internal websites disappeared due to a technical hitch. Fortunately, we have found them again but instead of doing the migration to the new system offline for three weeks, I have to do it online as soon as possible. Our internal websites are now fully functional, even if they still lack nice photos. Next year we will do a remake of our internal web pages to assure the accuracy of the content.
Look and structure
The new external website has not only a new look, but it also has a whole new structure and size. Duplicated content has been removed and all information will be in one place. In a system design for that type of information and target group. Hopefully, it will facilitate things for all, both visitors and content producers.
This means that all research groups, personal pages for personnel doing research, and pages for infrastructure have moved into Lund University’s research portal – LUCRIS.
Most of our educational information has moved to either Lund University’s central education pages or to the learning management system Canvas.
Research portal LUCRIS
In the research portal, you may do a lot more things than you could on our website before. You can connect people, projects, infrastructures, activities, prizes and awards, as well as display a lot of other things. On the Staff Pages, you find descriptions of what you can do and how to do it. Next year, we will create good text examples for different types of content in LUCRIS.
Personal/profile pages
We have moved the text and photos from your personal pages on our old website to your new personal pages in LUCRIS. Please, have a look at your page and see if anything is missing or must be updated. Just like on our old website, you are able to edit your personal page yourself. All our personnel doing research must have at least a description text in English and a photo. If you have a permanent position, you should also have a text in Swedish in LUCRIS.
Instructions on how to update your profile page on the Staff Pages.
If you have a link to your personal page in your email signature, please update it. The links to LUCRIS is not readable to humans. Make an HTML-link instead by using the chain ikon on your text and paste your LUCRIS-link. The link text may read as follow “My profile in Lund University’s research portal”.

Also, remember to remove any links to your old web pages in LUCAT. You do not need to add the new LUCRIS-link here. There already is a link to your page in the research portal auto-generated. You log into LUCAT with your LUCAT-ID.
If you want to create a new project, edit an old one, or make an old project invisible, you can do this by yourself too. How to manage projects on the Staff Pages.
Some projects are already added to LUCRIS. Are they still active and valid in the state they are in right now? Please, check if they are up to date.
If you find any errors that you cannot fix by yourself in LUCRIS or any errors on our new website, please, send them to your LUCRIS publisher who will collect the errors and send them to me.
Web/LUCRIS publishers
We have reduced the number of web publishers and will instead appoint specialists to all pages. These specialists will assure that the content is correct, but they will not write texts, do updates in the system or manage any structures.
Our former web publishers have now become our new LUCRIS publishers. Although you are able to do much more by yourself in LUCRIS, you may still get help from your LUCRIS publisher. Just as before, the LUCRIS publisher will keep an eye out for new people in their research groups and contact them to get texts and photos into LUCRIS. The LUCRIS publisher will also look for new projects. If they find any, they will contact you and ask if you want to create a project in LUCRIS, either by yourself or with their help.
Right now, the LUCRIS publishers are looking over the projects already in LUCRIS to ensure they are up to date. You might get an email from one of them soon.
Our LUCRIS publishers are:
- Animal Flight Lab – Per Henningsson
- Animal Navigation Lab – Johan Nilsson
- Animal Physiology – David O’Carrol
- Aquatic Ecology – vacant, Christer Brönmark is acting as a stand-in until further notice
- Biodiversity and Conservation Science – Katja Kozjek
- Bioinformatics – Claes von Wachenfeldt
- Evolution and Ecology of Phenotypes in Nature – Johan Nilsson
Evolutionary Biology – Johan Nilsson - Evolutionary Ecology and Plant-Insect Interactions – Katja Kozjek
- Genetics of Sex Differences – Johan Nilsson
- Life History and Functional Ecology – Johan Nilsson
- Lund Vision Group – Eva Landgren
- Mammalian Rhinarium – Ronald Kröger
- Microbial Ecology – Mads Schou
Microbiology Group – Claes von Wachenfeldt - Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab – Mads Schou
- Molecular Genetics and Genetics – Claes von Wachenfeldt
- Pheromone Group – Erling Jirle
- Plant Biology – Katja Kozjek
- Soil Ecology – Katja Kozjek
- Systematic Biology Group – Katja Kozjek
- Theoretical Population Ecology and Evolution Group – Jörgen Ripa
Frequently asked questions about the new website, especially our pages in the research portal
I can’t find my personal page on Department of Biology’s website. Where is it?
We have moved all personal pages belonging to personnel doing research to the research portal. You find your new profile page under the Researchers tab on the Department of Biology’s and your research group’s pages in the portal.
Why am I not belonging to my research group?
If you find that you are not connected to your research group or miss other people, please contact your Human Resources administrator. They help you connect people to the right research group. Find out who your Human Resources administrator is on our internal website.
Where are all publications belonging to my research group?
With help of the central research portal support, we are working to connect publications to your research group. You can also connect your own publications manually to the research group.
Where are my projects?
We have not moved any projects from our old website to the research portal. You can create a project by yourself or get help from your LUCRIS publisher. Instructions on how to create a project on the Staff Pages.
Where can I find the texts from the old website?
I have archived the old websites in a zip-file and uploaded it to LU-BOX. Carin Jarl Sunesson has sent out an email with the link. If you have not got the mail, contact Inger Ekström and she will send you the link. After you have downloaded and un-zipped the file, find the file index.html, and double click it. This will open a new tab in your web browser and you are able to surf the old website on your own computer. If you have Windows and a problem un-zipping the file, use the software 7-Zip for unpacking.
Why can’t I upload photos to my project and profile page? The web pages in the research portal look old.
Today, you cannot upload any images to your projects and profile page. Sometime at the beginning of next year, there will be a major upgrade to the research portal. The portal will get a new look and feel.
Good luck and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions,
Inger and Viki