Yesterday and the day before it was time for the Biology Lund Annual Meeting BLAM – our conference for and by the doctoral students at the department. Unfortunately,I was unable to attend the first day but here are my impressions and photos from yesterday.
I did not think it was possible, but the talks get better and better each year. This year I learnt a lot about cell walls of bacteria, seeing birds, pharmaceuticals in the water, breast cancer stem cells and much, much more.
The winners of the awards were really worthy of them. The speakers were so good this year that the jury awarded a shared second price too. That went to Melanie Hedgespeth and Anna Stöckl. The prestigious first price went to Katsuya Fuchino for his devoted talk “Streptomyces cell architecture”. The award for the best poster went to Elin Videvall.
The price ceremony was at the banquet at the evening as well as the performances that were the results from the first day’s mingle. The mingle participants all got a word on their forehead and should find it out by asking yes and no questions. The words then paired into groups. At the banquet the groups should perform something, a poem, play or something else but all their words had to be in the performance. Sounds complicated? Have a look for your self.
And at last the winning performance
And above all else the weather was also really great! I look forward to next year’s BLAM and hope that I will be able to attend both days. You all did a wonderful job!
Written and photographed by Inger Ekström