
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

Visiting Ph.D. student – Anne-Lise Boixel

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Hi everyone,

I am Anne-Lise, a third-year Ph.D. student at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research visiting Erik Svensson’s group for three months (March–May 2018).

My research falls at the interface of epidemiology and ecology with a long-standing interest in phenotypic variation among individuals and its consequences on population- and community-level processes. I have investigated this topic on a variety of organisms including aphids, plants and fungal pathogens during my previous research positions (as a part of my bachelor and master programs that I conducted between France and the Netherlands).

I am currently studying responses and adaptation of plant pathogen populations to changes in thermal conditions at various spatio-temporal scales combining field, greenhouse and lab experiments.

At Lund University with Erik, I will further explore how thermal changes and population dynamics jointly influence patterns of phenotypic variations using a theory-driven modelling approach.

I am really delighted to be here and I look forward to the upcoming months working with all of you!

mars 1, 2018

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