The Scientific Activities Group (SACT) is responsible for arranging a programme of lectures, seminars, events and excursions that focus on the wide range of subject areas and research topics that are covered within the Biology Department. The main aim of the programme is to provide opportunities for the exchange of information about the research fields, interests and facilities within Biology. We hope that the wide range of planned activities will be of interest to an equally wide range of biologists.
As far as possible, we will try to arrange the activities on Thursday afternoons. Seminars and lectures will start at 13.15 and should be finished by 14.15 – allowing time for other seminar series later in the afternoon. Excursions and guided tours will also mostly start between 13.00 and 13.30 (but will continue further into the afternoon).
The old series of Departmental Seminars will be replaced by two ”Lund seminars in Biology”: one in the autumn and one in the spring. These seminars will be given by internationally leading researchers whose research spans different research areas within biology. The first speaker will be Ian Baldwin (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena) on 18 November.
Activities will be advertised each week in Biobullen, and we will also provide an overall diary of planned, probable and possible Thursday activities. This diary will be updated regularly.
The members of SACT are: Dennis Hasselquist, Anders Nilsson, Honor Prentice, Bodil Sjögreen, Josef Straka, Torill Kornfeldt. Please contact us with suggestions for interesting, unusual or zany informative activities!
written by Honor C Prentice
Erik Svensson
If the ambitions of SACT is only to have two seminars per annum for Biology (one in spring, one in autumn), then our new department is in BIG trouble, I think! A leading research department of this kind should have AT LEAST one seminar per week, and there could even be room for two, considering that we are 300 employees!!!
As a comparision, I visited the department of Zoology in Oxford this winter, which is smaller than Biology in Lund, and where they have two regular seminar series, one more ecological/behavioural, another more molecular/cellular. If a smaller department is able to organize that, a large department of our kind should be able to have the same level of ambition, at least if we are serious in being an internationally leading research unit.
Another lesson from Oxford is to appoint young scientists, such as postdocs or Junior Researchers, to organize the department seminar series, not professors as in Lund. Professors are far too busy, and not all of them are ”up to date” with the names of new young scientists that should ideally be invited to these kind of seminars, but which are not yet well-known or established. A core group of young scientists/postdocs could run this seminar series and it will also be good for their CV:s. When I visited Oxford, I felt very welcome and well taken care of by the postdocs there, and I have no reason to think that it would be different if we arranged it similarly in Lund.
Per Lundberg
Varför plötsligt engelska?
Anyway, I read the SACT statement a little more generously than Erik and had the impression that there would be more than two per year. Beyond the two big ones.
But I do agree (sic) with Erik that we should do better than that and that junior people should be in charge.
There is no chance we’ll be able to match Oxford, but the ambition should be high.
Problem is, we have tried.
Do we fail because we do not attract good people (unlikely), because we are unable to recognize good people (possible), or because nobody really cares about seminars outside our narrow fields of expertise (likely)?
If the latter, our academic culture might be in trouble.
Almut Kelber
Hej alla,
Bra med aktiviteter, hoppas vi får mer information – jag hoppas också att vi kan ha fler än två seminarier per termin men det har vi väl. Om jag minns rätt så finns en hel serie molekulär- och cellbiologiska seminarier torsdager kl. 15, vi inom syngruppen har precis lagt ut ett antal seminarier på en hemsida:
och det vore väl bra om vi hade länkar till alla andra seminarier som finns inom institutionen, eller ett kalendarium där man kan hitta dem? Alla behöver väl inte gå till alla, men alla ska ha möjligheten att göra det!
Inger Ekström
@Almut nu finns länkar till de molekylära cellbiologiska seminarierna och Visiongroups seminarier på (svenska, finns även en engelsk sida som inte verkar fungera just nu. Har anmält till Servicedesk). Finns det fler forskargrupper som anordnar seminarieserier?? Hör gärna av er till mig så kan jag lägga ut det på nätet.
På finns ett kalendarium där jag har lagt in Molekylär cellbiologis seminarier, ska lägga in Vision groups också.
Jag försöker lägga in de seminarier jag vet om i BioBullen också. Så meddela mig när något händer, då kan jag annonsera det i de olika kanaler vi har till vårt förfogande.
Honor Prentice
Kul att alla är så pigga på att ordna seminarier!!
Det är klart att det finns plats för många olika seminarieserier med fokus på diversa ämnen. Att ordna seminarier som lockar ALLA inom den nya institutionen lär vara en större utmaning.