Yesterday afternoon the unit MEMEG had a Christmas meeting at Grand Hotel. After a rather peculiar lunch for the vegetarians, porridge and apple sauce, the meeting began with a challenging type of talks.
Each talk should not be longer than six minutes and the lecturers were not allowed to use more than three slides. Nearly all succeeded with this. Fantastic!
Not all was about science, there were also two sets of games. Before the meeting all participants had sent in two powerpoint slides – on explaining their science and one with a photo of themselves. These slides were used in the games.
In the first game, you had to pair the research slide with the right person. If you were first with the right answer you got a point. The person with the most points won.
The second game was a team and a memory game. The same slides were put upside down on the floor and the competing teams had to pair slides together in the same way as in the first game. Then the winning teams met each other until only one team remained.
Both the talks and the games made this meeting a very good opportunity to learn more about the people and their research at MEMEG.
Thanks to the organisation committee Helena Westerdahl, Johannes Rousk, Staffan Bensch and Emily O’Connor
You will find more photos at Flickr.
Photos and text by Inger Ekström