As usual, it has been an incredibly active year at the department. To illustrate this, I have chosen some of the photos I have. And this is only the part that I have participated in, or got hold of photos from. I know that there has been a lot more going on.
Let’s continue like this next year too! See you 2018.
Have a Happy New Year, Inger (who is responsible for most of the photos)
Monica Pardon got the University’s administrative price
For her invaluable achievements, Monica Pardon got 15 000 SEK at Lund University’s birthday party. Photo: Sacha Pardon
The conference OIKOS
Around 200 happy ecologists visit the annual Swedish meeting OIKOS in Lund this year.
The GENECO winter meeting
The research school GENECO’s winter meeting was held at Ideon.
The unit Biodiversity had a winter (or spring) meeting in Smygehuk
The unit Biodiversity met and discussed their research.
BLAM – great weather as usual
No BLAM (Biology in Lund Annual Meeting) without the sun.
Planting of the jubilee magnolia
The head of the department saw that the planting of the jubilee magnolia went according to plan.
The Biology Day with a magnolia lecture, the Biology Show and much more
Mikael Hédren shared his knowledge about magnolias in a jubilee lecture.Our own ”Fråga Lund” experts answered questions from the audience.No Biology Day without the Biology Show.
Farewell party for Bodil Enoksson
Bodil Enoksson retired and served refreshments.
State of the Union – talk by Christer Löfstedt
How is it going? The head of the department told us about the state of the department, in his yearly talk.
Edible plants – excursion filmed by TV4
SACT arranged an excursion to find edible plants. TV4 curiously got interested.
Bird excursion to Krankesjön
It isn’t spring until the bird watching at Krankesjön is done.
Farewell party for Eva Friman
More retirements, Eva Friman got a farewell party in the newly refreshed lunchroom on the second floor in the Ecology building.
Farewell party for Björn Weström
Björn Weström also retired with a farewell party.
LUNA’s honorary prize to Tina Ledje
Tina Ledje was awarded the student union at the Faculty of Science’s (LUNA) honorary prize for her work for all students. Photo: Helena Bergqvist.
Docent lecture – Martin N. Andersson
Martin N. Andersson became a docent with his lecture ”The Human Sense of Smell”.
New 3D lab
The new 3D lab opened. Photo: Atticus Pinzon Rodriguez.
LU350 year party
Christina Rengefors did a great job with the department LU350 party.Almost all were there.
GENECO summer meeting
This year the graduate research school GENECO had their summer meeting in Malmö.
Traditional hay-making
Ola Olsson showed us how to do a traditionell hay-making. Elin Johansson got the hang of it.
LU350 warm-up party
Before the big staff and student LU350 party in Lundagård, we had a warm-up party at the department.Christer Löfstedt, as head of the department, made sure everybody found their way to Lundagård.
Tandem Talk – Staffan Bensch & Olivier Van Aken
A tandem talk where we learnt about stressed plants and migrating birds.
Book release – Understanding Population Genetics
Bengt Olle Bengtsson and Torbjörn Säll arranged a book release party.
New confocal microscope
Ola Gustafsson and David O’Carroll got their eagerly awaited confocal microscope.
The Super Show
The Biology Show got together with the Physics Show and the Chemistry Show and gave the LU350 Super Show!
Photo exhibition at Grand Hotel
We arranged a photo exhibition at Grand Hotel with photos from nearly all the departments at the Faculty of Science.
Smell lecture at Grand Hotel
After the opening of the exhibition, Marcus Stensmyr held a lecture about smell and tast.
Excursion to the Blue Planet
SACT arranged an excursion to the Blue Planet in Copenhagen. Photo: Michael Olsson.
BÖÖL’s photo contest
As usual, the Biology Student Council BÖÖL, held a photo contest. With great prizes from the Education Office.
The Animal Migration Course
CAnMove arranged their Animal Migration Course for maybe the last time.
Excursion to the Arkivcentrum Syd
The archivist, Jesper Zimmerman, and Sigvard Svensson took some of the administration on a guided tour to Arkivcentrum Syd. Here Jesper is showing the oldest list of students to Viki Kaleskovska and Jan Olsson.
Samlingsforum 2017
The Biology Museum was co-host for the Samlingsforum 2017 in Lund. Maria Mostadius gave a lecture about how to move a museum.
Docent lecture – Stanley Heinze
Stanley Heinze became docent with his lecture The neural basis for memory and learning across the animal kingdom.
Christmas meeting Evolutionary Ecology
The get-to-know-each-other-games was appreciated.
Lucia Art Exhibition
The head of the department opened the fourth Lucia Art Exhibition.The workshop this year was in knitting. How many will get Christmas sweaters this year?
LU350 Jubilee Course
Marie Dacke gave the closing lecture in the series of lectures called Jubileumskursen.