SACT has arranged another inspiring Tandem Talk. This Thursday afternoon Jadranka Rota, curator of the Entomological collections introduced Glenn Svensson, researcher at the Pheromone …
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Yesterday, the Aquatic Ecology unit went to Karlaby Kro for their Christmas meeting. The two previous years they have been in the Ecology Building, …
There will be no Christmas for the Evolutionary Ecology unit without a trip to Örenäs Castle. Around 60 persons from the unit (and some …
För nionde gången var det idag dags för Lund Biology Seminar. SACT hade bjudit in
Some beasts are rare and live their lives unseen by most of us. Many of the nocturnal mammals with membranous wings qualify, but so …
Idag ordnade SACT ett Tandem Talk med Ronald Kröger och Johannes Rousk. Den sedvanliga slantsinglingen utsåg
Wednesday and Thursday our Graduate Research School in Genomic Ecology, GENECO, had their annual summer meeting. This year is special, as it is 10 …
Yesterday the unit Functional Zoology had their unit day. Or rather half a day. During the afternoon we learnt
Ideon Gateway bathed in the sun when GENECO held their winter
Yesterday the Linné project CAnMove (Centre for Animal Movement) celebrated its first 10 years with a conference for present and former