
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

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Ayla Mongès – new postdoc

Portrait of Ayla Mongès. Photo.

Hi! I’m Ayla Mongès, I joined Kristin Aleklett Kadish as a postdoc in the Functional Ecology department. I will be working on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soil chip to have a better understanding of hyphal behavior and foraging strategies.

I have a background in plant physiology and plant-microbe interactions. I worked on the common mycorrhizal network and the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis during my master degree. Then I did my PhD with Soizic Rochange in Pierre-Marc Delaux’s team in France on the perception of phytohormones by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.

After my PhD, I walked the entire length of New Zealand with my tent, so I am a big fan of hiking. I love to read, dance and sing. I’m looking forward to meeting you, talking about science or hiking trails and getting tips on how to survive in Sweden.

november 8, 2024

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Dagordning för styrelsemötet den 6/11 -24

Institutionsstyrelsen har möte i Stora konferensrummet klockan 13.15 den 6 november. Följande står på dagordningen.

  1. Mötet öppnas
  2. Protokolljusterare utses
  3. Fastställande av dagordningen
  4. Föregående mötesprotokoll
  5. Budget 2025 – (bilaga) (Föredragande Peter Stenild Matthesen)
  6. Personal – Anhållan om att inrätta tillsvidareanställning
  7. Personal – Övriga tjänstetillsättningar (bilaga)
  8. Strategiska planen
  9. Informationspunkter
    • Prefektbeslut
    • Övrig information
  10. Eventuellt övrigt
november 6, 2024

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Händelser Kallelse Möte Styrelse


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Bastien Clémot – new PhD student

Portrait of Bastien Clémot. Photo.


I’m Bastien Clémot, and I’ve recently joined Marie Dacke’s Lab in the Vision Group as a PhD student. My research focuses on how dung beetles use noisy cues to maintain straight steering.

I come from a multidisciplinary background with education in naturalism, adaptive and behavioural ecology, and computer science. I’ve always been fascinated by arthropods — their features, behaviours, and adaptations to diverse environments — which first brought me to the Vision Group. Last semester, I completed my Master’s thesis in Stanley Heinze’s Lab, where I worked on multiple goal integration in the insect central complex. Now, I’m excited to continue my scientific journey here, learning new things and applying my skills and knowledge.

Outside of the lab, I love nature photography and hiking, and you might spot me at a nearby climbing gym! I’m also a big nerd, with a strong interest in video games, D&D, and fantasy writing. Feel free to stop by my desk anytime—I’d love to chat!

Looking forward to meeting you all!

oktober 23, 2024

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Protokoll från rösträkningen i val av prefekt och ställföreträdande prefekt

Valberedningens förslag av Jessica Abbott och Fredric Carlsson röstades fram med bred marginal av institutionen (ny flik; pdf; 194 kB) och nu väntar vi på att dekanen den 29 oktober formellt ska utse dem till prefekt och ställföreträdande prefekt för en treårig mandatperiod.

Det kommer snart även ett val av ny institutionsstyrelse vars nuvarande förordnade också går ut vid årsskiftet.

oktober 21, 2024

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Händelser Prefekt Val


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Dagordning för GUNs möte den 25/10 -24


Grundutbildningsnämnden har möte den 25 oktober klockan 13.15 i Synpunkten i Biologihus B. Följande står på dagordningen:

  1. Mötet öppnas
  2. Justeringsperson utses
  3. Fastställande av dagordningen
  4. Föregående mötesprotokoll (bifogas)
  5. Meddelanden externt – fakulteten:
    • LU-centralt kartlägger introduktion av nya studenter
  6. Meddelanden externt – andra utbildningar
  7. Meddelanden internt:
    • Information om vad som krävs för att läsa våra program läggs in i LUBAS.
    • Planer kring GU-lokaler från årsskiftet
  8. Aktuella ärenden
    • Förslag till beslut: Uppdatering Examinatorer ht 24 (bifogas).
    • Förslag datum för GUN vt 2025: 24/1, 7/3, 25/4
  9. Information från studierådet
  10. Information från studievägledarna
  11. Information från koordinatorerna
    • Kandidatprogram i biologi och molekylärbiologi
    • Masterprogram i biologi, molekylärbiologi och bioinformatik
  12. Kursplaner/Utbildningsplaner
    • Kursplaner: BIOR99 Evolutionär växtekologi 15 hp (bifogas).
    • Utbildningsplaner: inga
  13. Inkomna kursanalyser: MOBA03, BINP28, BIOR84, BIOR66, BIOB11, BIOR39, BIOF08, BIOR52 (bifogas)
  14. Övriga frågor
  15. Mötet avslutas
oktober 21, 2024


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Protokoll från GUNs möte den 27/9 -24


Den 27 september hade grundutbildningsnämnden möte. Då diskuterades bland annat kvalitetsarbetet kring utbildningarna, ny fördelningsmodell, antagningssiffror, flytt/samlokalisering, Co-Pilot för studenter, examinatorer och kursutvärderingar. Läs mer i protokollet från mötet (ny flik; pdf; 261 kB).

oktober 21, 2024


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Anna Magnusson – new PhD student

Portrait of Anna Magnusson. Photo.


My name is Anna, and I recently joined the Pheromone group in the Sensory Biology unit as a PhD student this September.

I have a background in horticulture and recently finished my Master’s in plant biology at SLU, Alnarp. During my thesis work, I focused on how cotton plants respond to touch at the metabolic and transcriptomic levels, and how these responses influence the interactions with pests. Now, I’m excited to dive deeper into my passion for chemical ecology, insect behaviour, and neurobiology.

For my PhD research, I will investigate chemosensation in the larvae of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle, particularly focusing on characterising odour and taste receptors, under the guidance of my supervisors Martin N. Andersson and Olivier van Aken.

Outside of work, I love cooking, road biking, and spending creative time either knitting or in the pottery studio.

I am very excited to start working on my own projects, as well as being around all the very interesting and high-impact research going on at LU! See you around campus and at the Ecology building!

oktober 18, 2024

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Meet the nominee – head of the department

Portrait of Jessica Abbott. Photo.

Jessica Abbott, you have been nominated as head of department. If elected, do you look forward to another term in this role?

Yes, I wouldn’t have accepted the nomination otherwise. Although it’s an often challenging role, I want to follow through on the changes that are currently happening or in planning at the department.

What do you personally think makes good leadership?

Being willing to accept that everyone is different, so that the things that seem simple or obvious to me are not necessarily simple or obvious to anyone else. It’s important to be able to talk to people on their own terms.

What do you see as the biggest challenges for the coming years at the department?

The financial situation is the most important challenge in my eyes, since it influences pretty much everything else – how can we recruit new staff and keep excellent existing staff, the usage of our buildings, what types of support for our staff the department is able to invest in, etc.

Do you have a vision of how the department should be like in the best of all worlds?

I think it’s hard to have a single vision, because what I see as the ideal department might not be ideal for someone else. But my hope is that I will leave a second term as head of department with the departmental finances on track and a well-functioning leadership structure in place.

What is your favourite thing that comes to your mind when you think about your work?

My favourite thing is when I can see that I’ve been able to make a difference somehow – solve a problem that someone is having, help to resolve a conflict, or just generally make a change for the better. That’s what makes it worth the effort, even though the job is challenging sometimes.

september 25, 2024

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Händelser Val


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Meet the nominee – deputy head of the department

Portrait of Fredric Carlsson. Photo.

Fredric Carlsson, you have been nominated as deputy head of department. If elected, do you look forward to this new role?

Yes, very much so. I see it as an exciting opportunity to be able to contribute to the development of our department. Having over 20 years of experience from science in both academia and industry, and hitting 50 next year, I also look forward to the possibility to learn new things and to develop in a new role.

What do you personally think makes good leadership?

The people that I have gained respect for as leaders have shared some common traits. For example, they have exhibited honesty, clarity of intent and “bondförnuft”. They have been open about their “compass” (that is their focus and priorities) with an ability to spread energy and excitement about work. They have had a genuine interest in people and their ideas, and an ability to talk with all types of people.

What do you see as the biggest challenges for the coming years at the department?

Our department is one of the most successful at Lund University, producing research and teaching at a high international standard. However, we continuously need to evolve to maintain a strong environment. I therefore believe that one never-ending key challenge is to identify and hire promising young scientists and to ensure good conditions for them to develop their research and merit themselves. Also, it is no secret that our economy is currently strained. And so one main challenge for the coming years will be to deal with this challenge in a manner such that our core activities – research and teaching, as well as the third task – are able to keep developing.

Do you have a vision of how the department should be like in the best of worlds?

In the best of worlds, we have the same economic model as today (where teacher positions are fully funded, etc.), a model that I think is key to our department being a great research organisation. Moreover, our economy is great, with all teachers/scientists attracting external grants, and we have a dynamic department that is rich in bottom-up initiatives. All environments within the department have excellent conditions to develop their research and teaching (with a reasonable teaching load). In the best of worlds all employees, independent of category, truly feel that their work is critical for our core activities and our ability to be successful as a department.

What is your favourite thing that comes to mind when you think about your work?

My coworkers, and finding out the result of our next set of experiments! I love discussing new data and hypotheses with coworkers, and to see my students push projects forward and develop into independent and creative young scientists.

september 25, 2024

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Händelser Val


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Dagordning för styrelsemötet den 2/10 -24

Institutionsstyrelsen har möte den 2 oktober klockan 13.15 i Stora konferensrummet i Ekologihuset. Följande står på dagordningen:

  1. Mötet öppnas
  2. Protokolljusterare utses
  3. Fastställande av dagordningen
  4. Föregående mötesprotokoll
  5. Redovisning tertialbokslut II – (bilaga) (Föredragande Peter Stenild Matthesen)
  6. Personal – Anhållan om att inrätta tillsvidareanställning:
  7. Personal – Övriga tjänstetillsättningar:
  8. Beslut fakultetsstyrelsen
  9. Strategiska planen
  10. Informationspunkter:
    • Prefektbeslut
    • Övrig information
  11. Eventuellt övrigt
september 25, 2024

Inlägget postades i

Händelser Kallelse Möte Styrelse


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