
Biologiska institutionen | Lunds universitet

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Sunny summer meeting in Höör

A room with a lot of people. Photo.

Last Wednesday it was time for the GENECO summer meeting. Once again, we met at Stiftsgården Åkersberg in Höör. The weather was nice as usual, and everyone was happy to see each other again.

Some people talking outside. Photo.
Coffee in the sun.

GENECO is a graduate research school in genomic ecology, and they arrange summer and winter meetings each year. The meetings are great opportunities for the PhD students to get together and talk science, as well as a chance to present their findings through a talk or a poster.

A person is gesturing when giving a talk. Photo.
Samantha Mellinger is explaining MHC diversity in passerines.

Every year there are also talks by some invited researchers. This year there were talks from people from UK, Uppsala, and Norway. We also had presentations from students from Linnaeus and Lund University.

A person is standing in front of a presentation. Photo.
Alex Cagan from Wellcome Sanger Institute in the UK was talking about whales, cancer and ageing as well as doing graphic notes on Twitter.

After a great poster session, there was time for relaxing in the spa area at Åkersberg before the conference dinner.

Two people are talking in front of a poster. Photo.
Posters are a great way to get together.

The setup was a little bit different this year. Instead of one and a half days at the conference venue, the meeting was two half days. This was a great way to keep everyone awake throughout all the talks.

Two people are sitting on a bench. Photo.h
Annika Hecktor and Christina Rengefors arranged the meeting to great satisfaction.

It was a well-arranged meeting in beautiful surroundings with nice people and food. Thanks for letting me participate.

A courtyard with a fountain. Photo.
Stiftsgården Åkerberg in August.

Text and photo: Inger Ekström

A person is standing talking. Photo.
Bengt Hansson opened the meeting.
 A person is standing behind a computer. Photo.
Emily O’Connor gave an introduction to the meeting.
A person is pointing with glasses in their hand. Photo.
Olof Hellgren talked a little about GENECO.
A person is making gestures while they is giving a talk. Photo.
Anders Johnson told us about the microbiology of acid sulfate soils.
A person is pointing at their presentation. Photo.
Hongkai Zhang gave a talk about recombination events in great reed warbler.
Two people are sitting outside talking. Photo.
Coffee break and talking.
Some people are standing outside talking. Photo.
Coffee mingling.
A person is listening to questions. Photo.
Laura Parducci from Uppsala University told us how Norway spruce entered Fennoscandia.
Two people are looking at a poster. Photo.
Happy poster viewers.
Three people are mingling. Photo.
Mingling before going to the spa.
Four people are looking at a poster. Photo.
Poster explanations.
A person is gesticulate at a presentation. Photo.
Jon Jerlström-Hultqvist from Uppsala University gave a talk about symbiosis.
Three people are mingling outside. Photo.
More sun and more coffee. Life is great.
People are standing outside talking. Photo.
Sunny coffee break.
A person is giving a talk. Photo.
Jaelle Brealey from Norway University of Science and Technology in Norway explained holomuseomics.
september 5, 2022


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Mowing the Ecology meadow

A person is mowing grass. Photo.

Unusually, it didn’t rain when we mowed the ”Ecology meadow” on Friday. Instead, it was HOT. Lots of people from the Biology Department took part during the afternoon and we were joined by the Peab team who are responsible for managing the N Campus grounds.

People standing looking on something. Photo.

We started with an introduction by Odd Kjellberg who demonstrated the sharpening (peening) and honing of C European scythes (”knackliar”) and Ola Olsson then talked about the traditional Swedish scythes (”slipliar”). Everybody had a chance to try out scything and we mowed an impressive area together. A lot of water was drunk and salt was provided by potato chips.

A person is sitting with a scythe and a hammer. Photo.

Two people stand beside a wheelbarrow with grass. Photo.

Text and photo Honor Prentice

augusti 29, 2022


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Elisa Thoral – new postdoc

Portrait of Elisa Thoral. Photo.

My name is Elisa Thoral and I started my postdoctoral project with Andreas Nord in the end of July. After having done all my studies and my PhD in Lyon, France, I am now in Sweden for the next 2 years!

During my Masters and my PhD, I was interested in the effects of multiple environmental stressors, such as variations in temperature, oxygen and food availability, on the metabolism of different fish species (sardine, goldfish, zebrafish, rainbow trout, sea bass and sea bream). More specifically, I studied the muscular metabolism of these animals at different biological scales, from the whole individual, by focusing on the swimming performance, to the cell, where I focused on mitochondrial metabolism. I have shown through several scientific articles that the responses to environmental stress observed at the different scales do not necessarily go in the same direction, thus sometimes complicating the predictions that could be made about the effects of climate change on these animals!

After my PhD, I spent another year in my laboratory in Lyon as a temporary teaching and research associate, which can be considered as a first postdoctoral project. During this year, I taught different scientific subjects, as I had already done during my PhD, and I also had several research projects in parallel, this time combining the study of muscle metabolism with heat waves and new muscle sampling methods in goldfish, apron, and round goby.

And so I went straight to this postdoctoral project at Lund University where I am still interested in the effects of thermal variations on mitochondrial metabolism, but this time on a completely different model: birds! I am now trying to understand the metabolic consequences of sudden heat waves or cooling in different tissues, but also at different life stages in Japanese quails.

And on a personal note, I am a fan of movies, reading and hiking!

augusti 26, 2022

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Emma Kärrnäs – new PhD student

A portrait of Emma Kärrnäs with a dragon fly on her nose. Photo.

Hello everyone!

I’m Emma Kärrnäs, a PhD student that started earlier this year in the systematic biology group. Originally from an island off the Swedish west coast, I decided to move to Lund to study biology. I’ve been fascinated by nature for as long as I can remember, so I believe no one was surprised by my choice of subject.

I evidently felt at home here in Lund, since I decided to stay for both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. For my master’s degree, I looked into the phylogenetic relationships of the tephritid fly genus Tephritis, as well as the different species’ use of host plants. After I finished, I worked as a research and lab assistant for six months. One of the projects included to genetically determine the closest relatives of the recently extinct Swedish population of Reverdin’s blue, Plebejus argyrognomon. I hope this information will be used to re-establish the species in Sweden in the near future.

I thought that for my PhD I ought to move somewhere else, having lived in Lund for quite a few years. However, the universe had other plans – I got an offer too good to decline! My PhD project will be to do a revision of two genera of parasitic wasps, Oomyzus and Quadrastichus, in the family Eulophidae. This will include finding species new to Sweden, and most probably also to describe species altogether new to science. This is really a dream come true! My main supervisors are Niklas Wahlberg and Christer Hansson. To resolve the relationships within these two tricky genera, I will be working with both morphological and genetic markers. I will use both material I collect myself and material from museum collections. If you have seen the small black tent outside of the Ecology building, this is an insect trap I use to get additional samples!

So, let’s finish off with something a bit more personal. On my spare time, I, maybe not surprisingly, love spending time in nature – doing photography, birdwatching and bird ringing. I also enjoy exercising and cooking – and I love trying out new flavours of ice cream in my ice cream machine.

augusti 18, 2022

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State of our Biology Union 2022

Sittande folk på rad. Foto.

On June 16 we were all invited to the Blue Hall for an hour filled with information spanning from organisation to strategic goals for our department.

Jessica Abbott opened up, Joakim Nilsson, Tobias Uller, Jep Agrell, Klas Flärdh and Carin Jarl-Sunesson each spoke on different matters – and what lies ahead. For instance, the uncertainties pertaining to our economy in conjunction with the faculty move to Brunnshög and Science Village. How will this effect academic staffing and recruitment? For now, though, things are looking good. The department will invest in helping researchers at the beginning of their career.

iddleaged balding person in the middle of a speach. Photo.
Joakim Nilsson talked about the organisation of our department.
Person with long pink hair. Photo.
Jessica Abbott talked about our strategic goals – and actions – for the future.

A brief Q & A followed where focus was on economy and the inevitable faculty move to Science Village which lies a few years down the road.

Afterwards a bubbly mingle with something to eat and drink followed in the lobby.

Person with long hair, mustasche and beard smiles into the camera knowing he'll soon be at Copenhell. Photo.
After the presentations in The Blue Hall – there was time to eat, drink and mingle.
Two people engaged in conversation. Photo.
There is always something to talk about with a colleague…
People mingling in a large hallway. Photo.
…sometimes you find out things you didn’t know.

Text: Anders Örtegren / Photo: Inger Ekström

juni 17, 2022

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Händelser Möte Prefekt


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Tårtkalas då genetiker gick i pension

En person viftar med armarna. Foto.

Igår var det stor avtackning av Torbjörn Säll som gått i pension tidigare i vår. Biologihus As fikarum var fyllt till brädden. Vissa stod till och med i korridoren.

Ett rum fullt med folk. Foto.

– Så här mycket folk har det inte varit här sedan julfesten innan corona, sa Mats Hansson i sitt tal till Torbjörn.

En person står och pratar. Foto.

Mats mindes också vad han gjorde i april 1986, det var då Mats hade Torbjörn som lärare första gången. Torbjörn hade dock lite svårare att komma ihåg detta.

En person står och gestikulerar. Foto.

Torbjörn har varit länge på institutionen och många har känt honom ännu längre. Jan-Åke Nilsson har känt Torbjörn sedan 1973 då de började i samma gymnasieklass. Några år senare träffades Torbjörn och Christer Löfstedt i Fältbiologerna.

Flera personer tittar i en bok. Foto.

Bland avtackningspresenterna märktes en fotobok. Elisabeth Gauger Nilsson hade samlat in gamla fotografier från Torbjörns tid på institutionen och satt ihop dem till en bok. Många var nyfikna och kikade över Torbjörns axel.

Några stående personer pratar med en sittande person. Foto.

Förutom Mats höll Jep Agrell ett tacktal från alla Torbjörns studenter genom tiderna. Torbjörn replikerade med ett tal där han berättade om hur mycket genetikämnet förändrats under hans karriär.

En person överräcker en present. Foto.

Ingen avtackning utan förtäring, så även här. Fyra enorma tårtor var framdukade. När jag gick var minst en av dem slut.

Flera personer står bakom ett bord med tårtor. Foto.

Tack för en trevlig avtackning och lycka till i framtiden Torbjörn.

En person skär en tårta. Foto.

En person tänker. Foto.

En person visar något med händerna. Foto.

Text och foto Inger Ekström

juni 15, 2022

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Händelser Pensioneringar


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Känslorna svallade när Marjorie pratade om djurs sinnen

En person står och föreläser. Foto.

Frågorna ville i princip aldrig ta slut efter Marjorie Lienards docentföreläsning ”How the sensory worlds of animals are written in their genes” i Blå hallen i Ekologihuset. Att tänka sig att djur upplever världen omkring sig på helt andra sätt än vad vi gör är svårt att sätta sig in i.

Marjorie gick igenom sinne för sinne och berättade hur vår kunskap ökat genom att forskarna numera även tittar på gener som bygger upp de olika sinnena.

En person står och pratar. Foto.
Eric Warrant introducerade Marjorie Lienard innan föreläsningen började på riktigt.

Djurs sinnen och våra sinnen är både lika och olika. En del djur har vi samma sinnen som, men djuren kan ha mycket känsligare sinnen.  Ett exempel är hundars luktsinne som är mycket känsligar än vårt. Andra djur har sinnen som vi inte har alls, som fladdermöss ekolokalisering eller vissa fiskars förmåga att känna elektriska fält. Det gör att vi alla lever i våra egna sinnesbubblor.

En person står och ler i en föreläsningssal. Foto.

För att ta emot sinnesintryck så har vi känsliga receptorer i sinnesorgan. I receptorerna finns receptorproteiner som upptäcker fysiska händelser och omvandlar dessa till elektrokemiska signaler som fortplantar sig genom nervceller och ger input till våra hjärnor. Dessa proteiner kodas av våra gener och vårt dna.

Genom att titta på olika gener kan forskarna se likheter och hur receptorer har utvecklats över tid. Fåglar har till exempel förlorat en receptor som reagerar på sötma. De har dock fortfarande förmågan att känna sött då de i stället använder sig av en umamireceptor.

En person står och gestikulerar. Foto.

Sinnen förändras för att passa till djurens levnadsmönster, allt för att vi ska kunna fungera så bra som möjligt i vår livsmiljö.

Att tänka sig hur det skulle vara att se ultraviolett strålning eller känna elektricitet är svårt, men också en spännande tanke. Frågestunden efter föreläsningen innehåll både filosofiska och tekniska frågor. Marjorie svarade på alla med bravur.

En person står vid ett podium. Foto.

Tack Marjorie för en mycket givande föreläsning full med spännande kunskap.

Grattis till docenturen i förskott och lycka till!

Text och foto Inger Ekström

juni 7, 2022

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Föreläsning Forskning Händelser


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Störda bakterier i vattnet

En person står vid ett podium. Foto.
En person står och pratar. Foto.
Christer Brönmark inledde med en introduktion.

Idag höll Johanna Sjöstedt sin docentföreläsning ”Effect of disturbances on aquatic bacterial communities” i Blå hallen i Ekologihuset.

Johanna berättade om varför bakterier som lever i vatten är viktiga och vad som händer när deras samhällen blir störda på ett eller annat vis. Klimatförändringar med höjda temperaturer, ph-förändringar och förändringar i salthalt är saker som kan utgöra störningar.

– I princip kan allting utgöra en störning, berättade Johanna, antingen direkt eller indirekt.

En person står och föreläser. Foto.

Bakteriesamhällen som lever i vatten är betydelsefulla ur många aspekter. De ser till att kol och näringsämnen cirkulerar och når högre upp i näringskedjan och utgör mat för andra organismer.

Johanna gick igenom hur mångfalden av olika bakteriearter påverkar ekosystems funktion, vad som händer med mångfalden när bakteriesamhällena utsätts för störningar och på vilka sätt samhällena kan reagera.

De flesta studier på vattenbakterier är gjorda på labbet och inte ute i naturen då det är väldigt svårt att göra kontrollerade försök där. Det betyder att det också är svårt att veta hur till exempel klimatförändringarna påverkar bakterier långsiktigt.

En person står vid ett podium. Foto.

Tack Johanna för en gedigen genomgång av hur vattenbakteriers samhällen kan påverkas på olika sätt. Jag har fått med mig en hel massa ny kunskap.

Grattis i förskott och lycka till med docentansökan.

Text och foto Inger Ekström

juni 3, 2022

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Föreläsning Forskning Händelser


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Minutes from BDR’s meetings 24/3 and 26/4 -22

The Biology Doctoral Student Council (BDR) had meetings on 24 Mars and 26 April. Among other things, they discussed a PhD retreat, the Research Studies Board (FUN), the guest lecturer, vacant PhD student representatives, a new course for PhD students, a survey for all PhD students and BDR’s visibility.

Dagordning till styrelsemötet 1/6 -22

Onsdagen den 1 juni klockan 13.15 har institutionsstyrelsen möte i Stora konferensrummet i Ekologihuset. Följande står på dagordningen:

  1. Mötet öppnas
  2. Protokolljusterare utses
  3. Fastställande av dagordningen
  4. Föregående mötesprotokoll
  5. Redovisning tertialbokslut I – Bilaga 1 (Föredragande Peter Stenild Matthesen)
  6. Personal – Anhållan om att inrätta tillsvidareanställning:
    Inga tjänster
  7. Personal – Övriga tjänstetillsättningar –
  8. Strategiska planen
    Villkor för yngre forskare – Bilaga 2
  9. Informationspunkter
    • Prefektbeslut
    • Övrig information
  10. Eventuellt övrigt
maj 25, 2022

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Händelser Kallelse Möte Styrelse


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Researchers in badminton tournament

Some people are standing in a gym hall. Photo.
All agreeing on base rules of the game.

On the 24th of March of 2022 first MEEL badminton championship took place! We played doubles in an eliminatory tournament scheme in Victoria stadium. In total, we were 12 pairs.

Text and photo Kristaps Sokolovskis

A person is standing in a gym hall. Photo.
Elsie getting ready to kick some ass.
A person is holding a badminton racket. Photo.
Main organiser David.
Three people are sitting on a bench. Photo.
Team ”Ann-Kathrin & Linus” realising how little points they have earned.
Three people in a gym hall. Photo.
Pablo being optimistic despite the odds. Fake it till you make it.
Two smiling people. Photo.
Elsie starstruck to get a photo with MEEL boss Staffan.
Four people in a gym hall. Photo.
Quarter finals match up: Youth vs Experience! Youth lost, but they got some experience.
Some people sitting on the floor in a gym hall. Photo.
Some of the eliminated people from the “loser corner” watching the final matches and smiling despite everything.
Four people standing on each side of a badminton net. Photo.
Final match! Two teams that steamrolled their way to the top! Unsurprisingly “Charlie & Olof” and to everyone’s surprise the underdogs “Erik & Staffan” took to the finals with a blitzkrieg!
Two people standing together with a badminton racket. Photo.
The Champions in all their glory!
Two people are holding a statuette each. Photo.
After a beautiful game full of suspense Charlie and Olof earned the cup!
maj 18, 2022

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